Web Metrics Tool Used to Monitor Number of Website Visitors

To find out the number of visitors on the website, there are many processes that we have to do. The process itself cannot be done easily. Every website visitor must be collected, measured, analyzed and then presented in the form of a report first so that we can determine how many visitors are visiting the website. To make it easier for us to monitor the number of visitors, we can take advantage of the web metrics tool that is currently available. Through this tool, we don’t need to do activities that take up a lot of time.

With the development of technology today, there are many web metrics tools available to find out the number of visitors on the website. To find out about the web metrics tool, see the review below:

  1. Google analystics
    The first web metrics tool that we can use to monitor the number of website visitors is Google analystics. We can use this one tool for free without being charged at all. Through this tool, we can find out the types of keywords that can bring web visitors. Google analystics works automatically in creating website reports. The reports provided by this tool are in the form of traffic sources. In analyzing web visitors, Google analysts takes a lot of time.
  2. Spring metrics
    Spring metrics is another tool that can generate information in the form of website visitors. The advantage of this tool is the presentation of data that looks simple and understandable to users. Because of the simplicity of presenting the data, many Google analysts have turned to the Spring metrics tool. Through Spring metrics, we can get real time visitor count analysis, email performance reports, traffic sources and keyword analysis. The first time we signed up for this tool, we could enjoy premium fitir services for 2 weeks.
  3. Woopra
    Similar to Spring metrics, Woopra can also offer a feature to monitor the number of website visitors in real time. This tool will show visitor data statistics, web pages visited and the location of the website visitors. Various online gaming sites like Agenbola108.cc use this tool to view visitors’ stats and can interact directly with website visitors. Woopra is a very appropriate web metrics tool for e-commerce business people. This one tool can be used for free.
  4. Clicky
    If we want to monitor the number of website visitors, Clicky is another tool that we can use for free. Real time analysis can be done by Clicky. The Spy View feature that is owned by this free tool can provide information to us about the actions taken by website visitors. Clicky is also included in the mobile application which makes monitoring the number of visitors easier.
  5. Mint
    Mint can also monitor the number of website visitors. This one tool is a tool that can provide web visitor data in real time. The Mint tool can also find out the origin of web visitors and information on the pages visited by visitors. Peppermill is a subsidiary of Mint that can be used according to the needs of its users. There is also a free add-on variant that we can add to the Mint tool. That’s an explanation of the five web metrics tools that we can use to monitor the origin and number of website visitors.

Free Visitor Counter Tool Recommendations

Free Visitor Counter Tool Recommendations

Free Visitor Counter Tool Recommendations – Owning a website may give you a lot of convenience in promoting your business. The consumer candidates can visit your website to get to know your product or service more. You don’t need to explain things repeatedly, and you can do other things. However, you may find it challenging to count website visitors. Talk no more; you can use one of these tools.
• Free Counter Stat
The website freecounterstat.com provides free web pages hit and visitors counters with a wide range of styles. You don’t need to submit an email to get a customizable hit counter tool. You can directly choose the graphic and use the counter right away.

They claim that you can get the web counters in a quick, simple step, and also free. Not only that, but you also don’t need to use particular uncommon internet browser since it can be applied to Chrome, Dragon Comodo, and Opera.

Want a personal custom counter? Say no more. You need to write to this website, and you can customize your counter in no time. They give an all-out service for the customers, which offers top-notch service for its players. So, you can get to know your website popularity, simply by looking at the widget. Then you can plan what you should improve next.

• Stat-counter.org
In a rush to get a website counter? Visit stat-counter.org now and generate your widget now. There are various designs of the counter, yet if you want the simple one, you can get it in no time. Just in several steps, you can already see the widget on your website.

However, you can also choose counter with a comprehensive statistic from this website so you can analyze additional information and trend in visitor footfall. The widget from this website makes all of them possible so you can get the exact data of visitor each day. You can get any counter you want without any registration, and it is just a simple HTML code.

You can choose one of them, and whichever is your choice, you can get the benefit from the counter widget in no time. It helps to improve your website, and it means to enhance your business too. Customize the widget, so it fits your website theme is also not a bad idea.

Choosing the Various Types of Widget Free Counter Visitor

Choosing the Various Types of Widget Free Counter Visitor

Choosing the Various Types of Widget Free Counter Visitor – If you are having a website to promote your product or share your opinion, you can design it with several features. If you want to know the number of visitors that see your website, you can use the widget counter visitor. This widget will count the number of visitors every single time and show it on your website. Then, you can know how many visitors each day. Well, you don’t need to worry that you may need to purchase these counter visitors since there are many widget free counter visitors that can be chosen.

The first one is the free counter visitors from blogcounter4free.com. This provider offers 100% free of the counter visitor that can be chosen in several systems such as Blogspot, WordPress, Tumblr, and other systems. How to install the widget counter visitor? Well, you need to go to their website. Then, you just need to click the “Create a Counter” button on their website. After that, you can type the website or blog URL in the first box.

Then, you can set the widget counter preferences and choose the best widget counter styles based on your needs and your will. After that, you can click the “Get My Code” button and get the generated code. Then, you can go to your website as an admin and paste the generated code in the HTML or PHP page. The second one is stat-counter.org. This provider also offers the free counter visitors that can be applied in several websites such as WordPress, Tumblr, Blogspot, and others. In addition, you can get the free counter visitor without any registration on the website. How to install the widget counter visitor by using this provider? Well, you can start by selecting the Stat Counter that you like. Then, choose a suitable color that can work well with your website theme. After that, you need to get the code by clicking “generate code”. After that, copy the generated code by using the right-click and copy code button. After that, you need to paste the generated code in the HTML paste of your website.

Another provider is hitwebcounter.com. This provider offers various types of counter visitors and all of them are free. You can choose the counter visitors that may work well with the Joomla, WordPress, BlogSpot, and Tumblr. In addition, the counter can be used as the PHP counter or ASP counter.

What is Widget Free Counter Visitor?

Managing the blog or website is not an easy thing to do. The digital era forces people to learn more about the blog and the website. These two media become a popular device to reach more people to interact through the virtual world. In order to see how many visitors a day to your website, you need to install a widget on your blog or website. The widget is called widget counter visitors.

What is a Widget Free Counter Visitor?

The widget free counter visitor is a kind of widget that can be used to count the number of visitors that visit your blog or website. The widget is available for free. You can browse it on the internet and find for free counter visitor that can be added to your blog. You can search how to add the code of the free widget counter visitor by reading the description stated in the blog.

By having the counter visitor, you can see how famous is your blog and check how many visitors read your blog. The number of visitors is important for the existence of the blog or a site. Take a look at an online gambling SBOBET site, and see how it has huge number of regular visitors they call online players.

It can give you a clue on how good you manage your blog and whether you need to improve the quality of the blog or not. You can take advantage of it to find some cash if your blog or website is famous.

How to Install It?

There is much information related to the free widget counter visitor that you can find online. In order to find the best free counter visitor with great performance, you need to conduct a little research on the internet. The valid information can be found through an online forum or with typing a significant keyword to get the best result. Don’t forget to read the review from other users before choosing a specific free counter visitor.

There are some ways to install the free widget for counting the number of visitors who visit your website. The first one is by copying the code and then pasting the code into your website. The second one is by clicking the application and dropping the counter visitor icon into the website display. Then, you can edit and add some value based on your preference.

The widget free counter visitor is a kind of widget that can be used to count the number of visitors that visit your blog or website. The widget is available for free. There are some ways to install the free widget for counting the number of visitors who visit your website.

The Best and Widget Free Counter Visitor for Blog

If you have a blog or any website, you may want to give some widgets as the features. One of the most common widgets is the counter visitor. This widget can be used to count how many visitors see the blog based on the cookie. Well, there are two types of widget counter visitors. The first one is the paid counter visitor. And, the second one is the free counter visitor. Being free doesn’t mean it has lower quality than the paid counter visitors. There are many widget free counter visitors that provide various designs, styles, and sizes of the free counter visitors. You can choose whatever you like.

The first one is the widget free counter visitors by “freecounterstat.com”. This provider offers various types of counter visitors and all of them are free. You can choose based on the form such as cross, diamond, rectangular, heart, square, star, and triangular. In addition, they also provide several categories such as animals, arts, boats, cars, character, Christmas, computer, dragon, motorcycle, flower, foods, gift, and others. In addition, this provider also offers the extension for the Chrome and Opera browser. You just need to choose the best counter visitors based on your purpose and style. Another provider is “freevisitorcounters.com”. This provider offers the counter visitor that can be used for homepage, websites, blogs, shops, forums, and even CMS or Content Management System. The counter visitors can work well with several website systems such as Blogspot, WordPress, MySpace, Xanga, Jimdo, Tumblr, Typo 3, and other systems. How to install the widget counter visitors from the freevisitorcounters.com? Well, what you need to do is just choosing and clicking on the selected style. Then, you need to copy the generated code and embed it on the homepage of your website. It is easy, isn’t it?

Another provider that can be chosen for selecting the widget free counter visitor is “guestscounter.com”. This provider offers various types of free counter visitors along with several advantages. The advantages of this provider are can load the counter quickly and provide the 100% free counter service. In addition, you don’t need to register when you want to use the counter of this provider. Moreover, the widget free counter visitors from this provider are also compatible with the blog and don’t need the CGI-bin directory. This widget also doesn’t need HTML knowledge. There are various styles and sizes of the counter visitors that can be chosen. You just need to select the best one.

Five Reasons Why You Need to Choose the Google Analytics Counter Tracker by WPAdm

Five Reasons Why You Need to Choose the Google Analytics Counter Tracker by WPAdm

Five Reasons Why You Need to Choose the Google Analytics Counter Tracker by WPAdm – There are many free visitor counter plugins available in WordPress nowadays. You can display how many visitors to your website daily, weekly and monthly. Sometimes you can get confused which plugins that you should use. The Google Analytics Counter Tracker is one of the plugins that is widely used.

– It is Easy to Use
This WordPress plugin is not complicated to use. what you need to do is to download from wordpress.org. Then you will need to follow the simple instructions provided and you are ready to use it. You will need to have a Google Analytics account first, so you could link it to your analytics counter. Google Analytic Counter Tracker also has the support system which you can ask questions or report a bug. You can visit the website for any problems related to your site.

– There are Lots of Data That You Can Get
There are lots of data that you can get from this WordPress plugins including the overview of your audiences that can show about the page views, sessions and the duration, most popular pages and the most search keywords. You also can see which most countries by users that visit your page, identify your users by knowing the location, city and the browser. It also could show the statistics not only by day, week and month as other plugins but also hour and year.

– It is Fully-Compatible
This plugin is fully compatible with the WordPress which means you will get flawless experience when you download and use this plugin. With more than 40,000 active installations and 5 stars review, this plugin offers mobile-friendly design.

– It Supports Multiple Languages
This WordPress plugins offer multilingual analytics such as English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polski, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, Russian and Turkish.

– It is Free
Of course, this is also one of the most important aspects when choosing the visitor counter plugin. There is no hidden cost of this plugin. You also no need to be worried when you need to make a Google Analytic account first before you are able to use this service because the account is also free.

To summarize, Google Analytics Counter Tracker by WPAdm gave many benefits for the users such as the more detail statistics about the total visitor, support many languages, it is fully compatible and also free. So, do not hesitate to install this WordPress plugin to your website.

The Top List of Free Widget For Counter Visitor

The Top List of Free Widget For Counter Visitor

The use of free widget for counter visitor is almost a must in any sites. There are plenty reasons why the developers do so. One of them is tracking the statistic, reviewing which posting works better than others. Therefore, many administrators are hunting for the best and free budget widget for their site.

This is one of the oldest and also the most popular widget counter among developers. It is a great support for those who are interested to monitor the overall visit. The widget could provide details of which article receives more attention, the country and the number of visitors per day. The users are also allowed to use map to show the countries.

Instead of reading the overall data, some administrators are adopting the costumer centered concept. Thus, personal visiting record will be much more preferred. In this case, clicktale would be the right widget to use. It keeps record of each visitors; from the first article they read until the last page they were at. There is also a record of visiting duration. Moreover, clicktale provides “heat map”, which refer to the most visited page.

The Top List of Free Widget For Counter Visitor

Who says free widget couldn’t be strong and details? Just take a look at clicky. It provides detailed information about the page visiting. It is also mentioned as the competitor for the other bigger names. Clicky is able to track the real time tracking record. If the users want to use more features, simply upgrade to paid versions! The free version is great, but the record is limited to 3000 views per day.

Try to look for Free Widget for Counter Visitor and the users will get tons of recommendation. The fastest way to get the best options is asking the experts or reading the review. Wanna try the recommended widget above?

The Advantages of Showing a Web Counter in Your Website

The Advantages of Showing a Web Counter in Your Website

One of the easy ways to measure the effectiveness of the website is by seeing how many total visitors on the website. Some web counters offer the service of showing the numbers on the website page. Here are the reasons why you need to show a web counter on your website page.

An Advertising Campaign for Your Website
By showing how many total visitors in the sidebar of the website, it could attract the visitors to stay in your website and explore the pages. Visitors will be more convinced with the content of the website when there are many visitors and also how many users are online at the same time. Therefore, many websites especially web forums prefer to have this web counter visible in the sidebar of the main page.

People are Encouraged to Open the Popular Posts
Another option that people show in the sidebar of the website is not only the total visitor by day, week and month. But they also put the information about the top countries of the visitors and the popular posts and searches. It could help the visitors to see what other visitors mostly search on the website page. It could also attract more visitors to click the popular posts that have been viewed by other visitors.

Showing which topics that are popular from your website could help the visitors to know if this is what they are looking for. For instance, if a visitor plan to have a Europe trip and see that this is a popular topic on your website, he or she will explore more for this topic from your website.

It Attracts for Potential Advertisers
Most websites make money from the advertisement page on their website. By showing the web counter in the sidebar of your main page, you can maintain the advertisers to keep their advertisement page in your website since they will know that their advertisements have been viewed by total numbers of visitors. When you have many visitors to your website, it also could attract potential advertisers. They will be more confident to place the advertisement in your website pages when they know that there will be many users visit the website so the chance of their advertisement being seen by the users is higher.

Therefore, seeing the benefits of showing a Web Counter on Your Website page, you may consider using this service. It is also easy to find this plugin since there are many free or paid web counter plugins that you can find online.

WordPress Friendly Free Widget For Counter Visitor

Wordpress Friendly Free Widget For Counter Visitor

The most popular site to install free widget for counter visitor is wordpress. Many people use this free site makers, as the template is easy to use and the steps are easy to follow. Within minutes, the wordpress account could be ready. Now, it is time to find widget that has good compatibility with wordpress.

– StatCounter
More than 500.000 users have downloaded the widget for their wordpress. Thanks to the popularity, it also gets the highest review among the other widgets. The experienced users love how they could monitor the most searched keyword, visitor path, and many other activities on the sites.

– Mechanic Visitor Counter
Simplicity is the key of its success. No hustle found while downloading the file. Wait for a moment to allow the uploading and installation process. After the widget has been successfully installed, simply drag it to the desired place. The widget starts working immediately, showing the total visit, today’s visitor, today’s hit, etc.

– Pulse Map Visitor World Map
Looking for a fancy way to show the visitors’ data? Then try this widget. Instead of boring box with numbers, it shows a map with blinking lights. As expected, the lights show the visitors location. Those who add the widget loves how the counter could serve as the accessory as well.

– Traffic Stats Widget
For an administrators who loves filtering and sorting the visitors’ data, then install no other than traffic stats widget. It technically gives the access to sort the track records. It could be by day, by articles, etc. The direction is so simple and clear as well. There is no need of manual book.

Believe it or not, some free widget for counter visitor couldn’t work properly in wordpress setting. There are lots of reasons, but the users are not buying it. They want something nice for their site. Taking one of the suggestion above is the most effective.

Increasing Your Selling With Free Widget For Counter Visitor

Increasing Your Selling With Free Widget For Counter Visitor

How many functions of free widget for counter visitor users know? First of all, it is used to list the number of visitors and their articles or pages preference. Is it the end? With this kind of statistic, there are more functions to increase selling. How does it work?

– The System
The counter widget could help online store to increase sales by giving lots of social proof. It includes the testimonials or even the profile of the buyers. Thus, the new visitors could see the real buyers number that have bought the products. This trick is very effective to lure new visitors to make a purchase.

Now that the administrator understands the favorite products, a sale period could be published. Upon seeing the notification, the visitors might think it is the only opportunity to get the special offer. Moreover, if there are lots of buyers who have bought similar products.

– Free Or Paid?
All the strong tactics to increase sale from this widget counter could be accessed for free for seven days only. Enjoy the greatest support from a widget for users’ sites. The administrators could even monitor the visit via tablet or smart phones. The setting is fully responsive to smaller size screen.

On day eight, however, the counter support is no longer available. The users have two choice: take down the widget or pay fair amount of money to upgrade the widget. The price is neither too high or too low. For monthly payment, it only takes around $3 per month.

While selling things online, the free widget for counter visitor plays even more essential role more than just a mere counter. For example, the administrator could track which product is sold more, which trend gains more costumers, etc. Probably the only turn down is the payment after free trial session ends.

Why StatCounter is a Free Widget for Counter Visitor You Should Consider

StatCounter in Brief

There is a certain emergence nowadays in online world. It is about online business, online sales, online shopping platforms, and any other things related to this online era. That being said, it is obviously needed for business owners to use a free widget for counter visitor. Of all widgets out there, StatCounter is immensily worth using. Why so?

StatCounter in Brief
StatCounter is such a revolutionary tool in answering the need of counting visitors. This widget is able to provide the users with detailed and complete statistical insight into the visitor traffic. This widget is also able to provide its users with the counts of anyone currently online, any visitors coming by yesterday, as well as the overall count. The users can really benefit from those insights especially for formulating new technique of sales, devising strategies of marketing, promoting particular products, and others.

The Comprehensive Statistics
What is so great about StatCounter is that it can provide the users with comprehensive statistics. StatCounter enables the users to obtain comprehensive insights of visitors last day, per day, currently online, and overall count. This widget is also able to provide comprehensive insights of the number of visitors the website gets every day. Those statistical data will surely be beneficial in identifying which days of the week and of which week of the month the website is getting the most attention from visitors. This is surely of excellent help for business owners who are planning to feature a live chat or such assistance to the users logging in at the website at a particular point of time.

StatCounter is such a free widget for counter visitor every website owner and business owner needs. This widget’s ability to do the business is so awesome and is so beneficial. Do you want to give it a try?

The Advantages of Using a Web Counter

The Advantages of Using a Web Counter

When you visit a website, sometimes you will see on the right or left side is the number of visitors on the website. That’s a visible visitor counter widget. Most websites have these statistics but shown only for admin which means it is invisible on the website. There are lots of benefits to

A Measurement Tool for Your Website
Using a web counter is important for the website owner to measure if the website already effective or not. If the number of visitors is still lower than what the website owner expects, the owner could consider improving the website by changing the layout and design, put more unique content and etc.

It Offers More Than a Visitor Counter
Most web counter plugins providers offer more than a visitor counter by day, week, month and a year. There are also some plugins providers such as W3Counter Free Real-Time Web Stats which offer more benefits such as knowing the top countries of visitors, the top searches and popular post. It could help the website owner to analyze if the website already hit the right target of the market and which topic that the users visit more.

It is a Great Marketing Campaign
Some web counter plugins could be shown in the sidebar of the main page. This could be a great marketing campaign for the business. When the users can see a big number of visitors it could gain the confidence from the user to explore the web page or to purchase the product from the website. Another benefit will be to gain more advertisers to your web page. when the advertisers see the big number of visitors, they will be more convinced to place the advertisement on the website.

It is an Easy Plugin to Install and Use for a Beginner
Most web counter plugins are very easy to use for a beginner. You will need to download and read the instruction to install it to your WordPress. It also shows the data statistics that are easy to read and support multiple languages. Some of recommended visitor counter free plugins are Google Analytics Counter Tracker WordPress Plugin, ADS-WP Site Count Plugin, Who Hit the Page Visitor Counter WordPress Plugin and W3Counter Free Real-Time Web Stats.

To summarize, installing a web counter plugin in the WordPress site will help you to measure the effectiveness of the website, whether you have the right target or not for the visitors and to know about which pages that they visitors are interested more from the website.

Why You Should Choose Jetpack by Automattic for WordPress Statistic Plugins

Jetpack by Automattic

One of the effective ways for the website owner to check if the WordPress site is successful or not is by installing a visitor counter plugin. Nowadays, there are many WordPress Plugins providers which offer more than a visitor counter. One of them is Jetpack Automattic. Here are five advantages that you could have by using Jetpack Automattic.

It Offers Many Features
By installing the Jetpack plugins, you will get more features than other plugins. You could design and customize your WordPress site with many themes that suitable with various sites. You also will get the delivery network of high-speed image and video. Since it is made by Automattic which is also a company that makes and maintains WordPress, this plugin could integrate smoothly with the official WordPress mobile apps.

It Offers Many Features

Great Tool to Measure the Marketing and Performance
Jetpacks offer site stats and analytics that could be explored by admin. You will get an updated site traffic, site searches, comments, popular posts all in the real time. You will also be able to schedule in advance for the post in your social media sites. The readers also will be shown automatically the related content, so it will help to increase the page views.

It Has Reliable Backups and Security Services
By using Jetpacks plugin, you will be less worry about how secure the system is. It offers malware scanning, automated threat solution, and also has the secure logins with optional two times authentication. You also will not be afraid with loss of your date since it also features daily backups for the entire pages in the website.

Faster Performance
Jetpacks also claim that the load pages faster and it will help to improve the speed of the website. The Jetpack’s site accelerator also will control your SEO, and provide the analytics by images and static file from Jetpack’s global network of servers so you will use less bandwidth usage

Free and Paid Service
Jetpacks offer two kinds of service; free and paid one. The Paid Service divided into three categories: Personal which starts from USD$ 3.9 per month, Premium that will cost USD$ 9 per month and Professional which costs USD$ 29 per month. Of course, when the cost is higher it will give more features. Nevertheless, the free Jetpacks also offers many basic features that you can try first before investing in the paid service.

JetPacks by Automattic gives more benefits for the user and not only in the scope of giving the data of visitors and the popular posts. With more than five million active installations, JetPacks become one of the popular plugins that WordPress users use for many purposes.

How to Choose Free Widget for Counter Visitor

How to Choose Free Widget for Counter Visitor

Every website and page owner needs to embed a widget that can help them count the visitors of their website and page. Yet, not all widgets out there are worth trying. Find out the criteria of recommended free widget for counter visitor below:

Simple yet Comprehensive
The first criterion of free widget for counter visitor that you should always keep in mind is that it should be simple yet comprehensive. The counter should give you a simple graphical counter, simple tracking system, and simply text counter, all of which, although simple, can provide you with comprehensive and clear visitor stats for you. Choosing a simple counter visitor here doesn’t mean choosing just any widget. The information offered by the widget must be complete. The widget may be simple but it still needs to be thorough.

No Registration
The next criterion of recommended free widget for counter visitor you should always consider is the absence of registration. A recommended widget for counter visitor should be able to be used immediately without the need of signing up or such things. It is important to choose widget for counter visitor that doesn’t require you to provide first and last name, email address, address, and other personal data. If that is what happens when you are using a widget for counter visitor, your personal data will always be completely safe. Don’t bother using a widget for counter visitor that requires you to input many personal data. The maker of the widget may end up using your personal data for something else.

There are lots of free widgets for counter visitor out there. Yet, always make sure that you choose the ones that is simple yet comprehensive and the ones requiring you no registration. Choose your widget wisely while keeping your personal data safely as well.

Simple Visitor Counter Widget

Free Widget for Counter Visitor

A Free Widget for Counter Visitor You Should Try!

The need of having a free widget for counter visitor is inevitable. This widget is needed to give owner of web pages a clear picture of who have visited their page. Although what is needed is a free widget, it doesn’t mean we can use just any widget for counter visitor. If you don’t know what widget to use, you may have never heard of Simple Visitor Counter Widget.

Simple Visitor Counter Widget in Brief
To begin with, let’s see what kind of widget for counter visitor it is. This widget gives a clear picture of daily, weekly, and even monthly count of visitors of a web page. This widget can even help you count the up to date page traffic thoroughly and also safely. Besides, this widget is also able to show you the current visitors of your web page.

Simple Visitor Counter Widget

How to Use the Widget
In addition to the accurate display of page visitors, this widget is also simple to use. If you want to use this widget, you only need to download it then install the widget thru the directory of WordPress. You can install Simple Visitor Counter Widget in any widget, footer, or sidebar that is provided by the theme of your webpage. That’s all what you need to do to use this widget.

The Advantages
Another reason why you should try this widget is that Simple Visitor Counter Widget is easy to use and to setup. The use and also the setup of this widget only take few seconds. Besides, this widget is also very easy to download. What you need is just click on the button of download and the extract the downloaded document from a .zip file. Last but not least, this widget has no 3rd party and is free!

What else can we ask from a free widget for counter visitor? Simple Visitor Counter Widget has it all already. Go get it and install it at your web page soon!